Sunday, May 23, 2021

"Who Is Your God?" - M

 Who Is Your God? - M





To be very honest, I have been procrastinating writing this message for several weeks....Why? What possible reason could there be for not writing about our Magnificent, Marvelous, Majestic, Mighty God???

We don't even need to hear scriptures to know that God is all of that. Even non-believers know, even though they may not admit it, that there has to be a Higher power who created all they see. He has to be one impressive God. 

We sing songs about our Mighty God. More songs about our Majestic God. We know that He is Mighty and Majestic. We do not need to be told about then, What was my problem?

To explain that, you must hear what I have to share about our recent trip...

Recently my husband and I took a 12 day trip to visit some people who are very dear to us. We had a wonderful time. We were treated like Royalty. We had a suite that beat any hotel we have ever stayed in. We were fed wonderfully with many an opportunity to try different kinds of food. We were taken to many places we have never been before. We were certainly treated well. They were so kind and generous toward us and we are very grateful.

The recent virus has unquestionably affected everyone. Our loved ones followed with respect and great caution, all the advice of a Dr. and all of the government rules that had been set forth. They stayed away from others, wore their masks whenever they left the house or would even possibly be near another. They had groceries  delivered to their home or they utilized drive thru's .... whatever it took to stay away from other people. Then the vaccine came available and after 2 shots they saw themselves safe - fine and protected. So then, we were permitted to come visit. They were, however,  greatly relieved to learn that our covid tests came back negative the day before we left.

Everyday we were there we went somewhere different for a tour. Every time, before we left, the lady of the home would call out, "Do you have your masks?" We would then be certain we did or quickly run back inside to get one. When we were in a waiting line, whenever I would step over my 6 foot distance line, she would remind me to step back and keep my distance. She was very faithful to be "on the ball" for all the mask and distance covid rules and confident regarding the proclaimed protection of the vaccine. So, now we could go to places with lines of people waiting to get in, restaurants, grocery stores, candy stores and ice cream stores.....see, I told you we had a great time!😃

So, you ask, "What is the problem with all of that?" It not so much what is wrong with all of that is more of a problem with what is MISSING in all of that. This woman is a Christian. She has been active in church for her entire life. She has volunteered and helped with things at church for years. That is all fine and dandy. But what IS MISSING? What was it that grieved me, making it difficult for me write about our Magnificent, Marvelous, Majestic, Mighty GOD?

Exactly, That WAS what was MISSING!!!! She had full confidence in following the advice of a Dr. that she didn't even know. She followed diligently the rules set forth and trusted a man-made vaccine. She had a conscious, steady, "on the ball" awareness and conviction regarding all the issues pertaining to this virus and she diligently followed all the rules and advice. 

There is nothing "wrong" in taking the advice of another or following the rules of our government (when they comply with truth and righteousness) or in getting a vaccine....realize, please, that is NOT the point of this message.  This issue regarding our dear one is simply an example pertinent to a far bigger issue that affects a vast majority of Christians currently and apparently, since the time of Adam and Eve. This problem is evident in the way we respond the problems we face. My point is "What is Missing" in our attitude, perspective, behavior and our conversation.

2 Corinthians 4:13 Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written, “I believed, and so I spoke,” we also believe, and so we also speak,

So.....What is Missing??? Why am I grieved???? What IS my problem???? No more beating around the it is in a nutshell...We sing and say that God is Magnificent, Marvelous, Majestic and Mighty. However, in our everyday life, our conduct, focus and words deny that we really DO Believe that God really IS all that. In our practical, daily life we leave our Magnificent, Mighty God out of our situation. 

You may argue with me at this point, saying, "I read my Bible and pray every day!" Wonderful! But, how do you apply what you read the rest of the day? Are you taking God's Word seriously? When troubles come, are you focused on the troubles and all you think and say points to the trouble? Or, are you bringing God and His Word into the predominate place He belongs in your situation? Can you... Do you remember and say, believing confidently that my God is my Help! He never fails to fulfill His promises to me. I know what it looks like, but my God is Greater than this and this mountain is coming down!!!!

Seriously, IF we really believed God, Who He IS (far greater than any natural Dr) and What He says (wiser than any wisdom of man) and Mighty (far more powerful than any vaccine made by man) wouldn't we be acting like it, talking about it and following the advice and rules laid forth by God????? Wouldn't we be much more "on the ball" exalting our God, Praising Him, our Magnificent God with whom nothing is too difficult? Wouldn't it be the norm for us to walk out of the house with the promises of God in our mind and coming out of our mouth instead of saying, "Do you have your mask?" 

Why does it seem wrong, foolish and strange to Christians for other Christians to proclaim God IS my Refuge! I run to Him and He protects me. He is my Deliverer. He rescues me from all of my God IS our Magnificent, Majestic and Mighty God!!!! Why is it strange to be more confident in my God to keep His word to me than for any virus to harm me or any vaccine to protect me? Do we realize that we are so easily exalting the problem or man made solutions instead of daring to trust our God?

"Well", you say, "What do you want me to do? Pretend the problem does not exist?" No! I want you to really believe and act on what you SAY you believe .......about God!!!! Start evaluating your life and problems in the light of our Magnificent God who truly is Mighty!!!! 

It is important and necessary that we Know our God....Knowing Him is far more than the starting gate of being born again. Knowing God comes from spending time with Him, building an intimate relationship with Him. Study His Word. Love Him. Show our love for Him by believing what He says and doing things His way. Then evaluate our behavior and our words and see how they line up with God's Word and His character/nature. Make our thoughts, consequently our words , agree with God. If we are not agreeing with God and responding to what He says. Are we really being faithful to Him? Luke 18:8 asks us the following question... .....when the Son of Man comes, will He find [this kind of persistent] faith on the earth?”   Are we faithful to God or are we "on the ball" faithful to the problems?

 If you really believed that truth, you would look at whatever problem is at hand and declare with are nothing compared to My God!!!! The problem may look like a Goliath in everyone else's eyes and fear may be prevalent in the entire crowd, but, because you know your God, you can confidently say, honestly believing, what David said, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the LORD will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel! And everyone assembled here will know that the LORD rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is the LORD’s battle, and he will give you to us!” 1 Samuel 17:45-47 

Where is our confidence and boldness in our God? How well do we really KNOW Him? How long will we stand by as a fearful, ineffective army of God! Stop giving lip service to God and exalting the problem! If God be God, then let Him prove it by truly trusting Him. 

This lady that we love and have known for many years, asked me why we did not get the vaccine. I calmly told her that we had more confidence in our God's ability to keep us safe than we did in any virus or vaccine. She responded, "I know other people who said they believed, but they died!" Then, I was even more saddened. That is a common statement I've heard many, many people say. 

When will we realize that it is satan who comes to steal, kill and destroy and that Jesus really did come to give us life and life more abundantly. I don't know the situations of other people, but I'm not going to build my doctrine based on any negative experiences of anybody. I certainly will never blame the destruction of a Christian on God!!!!. I am totally convinced that satan is the destroyer and Jesus is our Life Giver!!!! I choose to take God at His Word, I choose to believe that He is True, that He cannot lie and that He is Faithful to fulfill His Word to me. I dare to be bold for Him and proclaim His excellencies. Will you?

Do not say that you just don't think you can believe God like that. After all, look how easily you have believed the word of a doctor and the words of the government and the power of a vaccine or the lies that you hear being spoken regarding any other trouble. You take THEM as truth. You've responded to them. Choose today to Dare to Trust God instead. 

. I cannot be silent any longer .... 

Our God is Our Magnificent God!

Our God is our Majestic God! 

Our God is our Marvelous God! 

Our God is our Mighty God!

He is greater than anything that would attack us from without or from within! Where is our confidence in this Mighty God we say we serve? Where is our proclamation of what we say we really believe .... do we really believe it?

2 Chronicles 16:9  -The eyes of the Lord go around looking in all the earth for people who are faithful to him so that he can make them strong. Asa, you did a foolish thing. So from now on you will have wars.”

Our dear one revealed what she believed as she spoke so reliably, consistently and confidently regarding the virus, the rules and the vaccine.

How much more reliably, consistently and confidently should we be answering what our reason for hope is and as a result speak and act in response to our our Magnificent, Marvelous, Majestic, Mighty God?

Who do You really Believe your God is? 

1 Peter 2:9 But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A CONSECRATED NATION, A [special] PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies [the wonderful deeds and virtues and perfections] of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

So ...what are we proclaiming???? The issues of the problems or the excellencies of our God????

Psalm 68:34 -Tell everyone about God’s power. His majesty shines down on Israel; his strength is mighty in the heavens.

Psalm 104:1 - Bless and affectionately praise the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty,

Deuteronomy 32:3 - For I will proclaim the name of the LORD; you must acknowledge the greatness of our God.

1 comment:

  1. God is showing me more and more that in my heart, I actually dont believe He will heal, deliver, provide for me, and protect me. It is humbling to see my unbelief. But I am grateful He is showing me, because He is doing a work...growing true faith in my heart, so that I will agree with all His promises toward me, instead of wavering and denying the truth. 'Fully persuaded' is where we are heading!
