Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Prayer for Today

Father, I give You my Thanks this morning. I am so grateful to You. You have never left me without help. You have never left me without hope. You have always my ready help. You surround with mercy and your favor surrounds me like a shield! You are my Great, Mighty and Faithful God! There is none more marvelous than You!

Thank You for pouring Your Love out upon me.  You alone are my God - I stand at attention to You, Father. I say, You are my Lord! You are my Master! You are my Supreme Authority. I humble myself before You and I say with all sincerity, not my will, but Thine be done in my life. Show me the way that You would have me to go and what You would have me do and say. May I be a tool in your hand for Your use and a vessel for Your glory. 

I declare: This life is not about me, it is all about You. Help me to lay down every carnal way and walk in Your ways by Your Spirit! Thank you for giving me the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. That same Spirit dwells in me and quicken's, energizes, vitalizes and strengthens this physical body. Thank You!

You are my Jehovah Rapha! You are my Great Physician! You sent your Word and You healed me and You delivered me out of every one of all of my troubles! You ARE the Lord that healeth me. Thank You!

You are my Jehovah Nissi, my Deliverer!

You Lord, You are my rock, my protector. You are my fortress. I run to You and I am safe. You protect me like a shield. You ARE my shield  I say of You Lord, you are my refuge, you protect me from every trap of the enemy and from every deadly pestilence. Thank You!

You are my Jehovah Tsidkenu, my righteousness. You made me righteous so that I can stand with confidence before you without spot or blemish.

You are my Jehovah Jireh. You are the Lord who sees ahead and provides ahead. Whatever need there is in my life, You will see to it! You tell me that I will lack no good thing, I even have an abundance of all things so I can meet the needs and even the desires of others.  You make a way and where there seems to be no way. You are the One that makes the streams in the desert and a way through this valley. I am confident in You. I put my Trust in You.
I am so grateful! Thank You.

Father help me to be a light in a dark place today. Help me to bring a word of encouragement where there's so much discouragement. Help me respond to whatever happens today in the way that you would want me to respond - in a manner that pleases you and represents your Love, Your mercy and Your grace, not rudely, selfishly or impatiently. Thank you for  strengthening me with your power and grace.

Thank you for giving me life and life more abundantly. Thank you for making me More than a conqueror, for giving me the overwhelming victory over whatever comes my way today! You are my more than enough God, nothing is too difficult for You.

Give wise counsel to our President and Vice President. Protect them and their families from every evil. I pray that no harm would even come near them. Surround them with godly counselors and strengthen them for the work You have called them to do. Silence the voices of those who come to deceive and destroy Your will and Your plans and undermine our One Nation under God. Cause their efforts to backfire on them mightily. Make a show of them openly so that all can see their wicked endeavors.

Help me to make a difference in the lives of others today for good and for godliness. Help me to be a voice for You in the Wilderness of their lives to show them the way to go. In Jesus Name. Amen

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