Friday, April 10, 2020

To Trust or Not to Trust....God

To trust or not to trust God....that is the question. Why should that be a question? Why should there be any question at all to whether we would dare to trust God or not trust God. Isn't it obvious that we are Christians? Don't Christian's Trust God? Well, Do They?

 Proverbs 16:20 says, "He who heeds the word finds prosperity, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD."

Jeremiah 17:7 tells us, "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him."

It would seem that "Christian" automatically infers Trust. Specifically, Trust in God. Well, of course, to even become a Child of God, you must first Trust that it is true that Jesus Is the Son of God and that God raised Him from the dead and proclaim your belief by declaring "Jesus is my Lord". You receive Him and you believe in who He is. That trust and response makes you a child of God. But, that is only the birthing process. Trust in God must continue and grow from there and impact every area of our lives.

The question remains, "why do we "Christians" truly not continue to grow as we should regarding Trusting God?" Well, I can see that there are 2 main reasons, probably 3, most likely more....let's start.

1. Because I didn't! Learning to trust God was a major issue in my life.

Well, you say, "maybe you didn't, but that doesn't mean I don't!" Ok, maybe that is true, but let's evaluate this issue further. Tell me what percentage of the Israelites in the Wilderness actually trusted God??? Hmmmm...2 out of ....... millions.... I'd say that not trusting God was a major problem. How many disciples left Jesus because they didn't trust what Jesus said? It is obvious that the same "Trust" problem exists today.

2. Because what we DO gives our trust level in God away. Think about that! We refuse to follow God's instructions. Why? Give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down, shaken together and running all over the place. So, why don't people give? Because they don't trust God to do His part of the deal.

What about "cast your cares on God for He cares for us. Why don't we quickly and regularly cast our cares on Him, or why do we cast them and then reel them right back in to us again? Do we really trust His care for us?

What about Jesus bore my sicknesses and carried my diseases and by His stripes we were healed? Why do Christians have such difficulty trusting that Jesus really did bear our sicknesses and carried our diseases and by His stripes we really were healed? Why do people react in fear and respond more to a negative medical report than they do to God's Word? Because we have more confidence in the natural report, previous experiences and current symptoms than we do in God's Word, the power of God's Word and our belief in it to change the situation. We really, honestly, don't trust what God's Word says. Our fear is obvious and our faith is misplaced.

Do you remember why Jesus could do no mighty work in His own hometown? Why? I am glad you asked! The answer is: because They Would Not Believe! In other words - They refused to Trust in Jesus. Their experience told them, "He is just a carpenter's son." So, they allowed their experience and their unbelief to speak louder than the truth. People do it all the time now still, not realizing that they are shutting the door on what God wants to do in their lives. Remember, Jesus went about teaching, preaching and healing every kind of disease and illness. Remember this: Jesus did only what he saw His Father do. Hmmmmmmm.

3. Because what you say really identifies where you stand regarding trusting God. What is in your heart comes out of your mouth. Your words make it very obvious what you really believe.

4. Because your level of knowledge of God's Word reveals your capability to trust God. Faith or Trust in God, in His Word only comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

Yes! I REALLY am being hard on us today. This is for a very good is so far past time that we stop playing Christianity and saying we believe in God but not truly believing what He says.

If I really believe what God says, I would act on it!!! To question if I dare to Trust God only reveals my level of carnality, spiritual immaturity and lack of true knowledge of God, for if I truly KNEW Him, I would certainly Trust Him!

So, how do I fix my lack of Trust in God?

1. Recognize that I really don't trust God as I should. Perhaps in one area of my life I do, but in other areas of my life, I really do not.

2. Repent! Father, I admit I am not trusting You. Forgive me.  I have been  believing and responding to experiences, other reports, circumstances, fear... even lies of the enemy more than I have been trusting, relying on and depending on You and what You say. Father, help me to put my trust completely in You. Help me to take You at Your Word. You alone have the Words of Life.

3. Study and meditate on God's Word. Be a workman who won't be ashamed because you really do know what God's Word teaches. Get to really KNOW God. The more you know the Word of God, the more you will know God. They are One.

Psalm 1:2-3 But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.

4.  Live, behave and speak in accordance with the Word of God. Trusting in God is the 1st and only way a Child of God should behave. Read God's Word. Really, Really Think about what God is saying. Take action to obey the instructions you find as you spend time with God and be a doer of what you hear. When you hear it and do not do what you hear you are reasoning contrary to the truth. God will give you the grace to follow His ways, if you desire to do so.

This is not a message of condemnation! This is a message to capture our attention and jack us up. We are lights in a dark place, but it is obvious by the level of light, life, power and success in the lives of Christian's as a whole, that something is not right in our lives. It is also obvious that what I have spoken about today are some of the issues that need to be addressed and changed. We are the ones that need to respond. Let's BE disciples and make disciples.

What are disciples?

John 8:31-32
“You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Disciple = The "mental effort needed to think something through") – properly, a learner; a disciple, a follower of Christ who learns the doctrines of Scripture and the lifestyle they require; someone catechized with proper instruction from the Bible with its necessary follow-through (life-applications).

Remain faithful = You remain and continue. You last and endure in God's Word.
You are not moved by things that distract from and even oppose the truth. You keep stickin' to the Truth no matter what.

 Know = then you will come to know through personal experience, the Truth and the Truth that you know will set you free.

The world will be drawn to the LIFE they see in us. If we look, behave, and speak like them and our lives are not different than theirs, what really do we have that would draw them to Jesus?

Read these scriptures again:

Proverbs 16:20 says, "He who heeds the word finds prosperity, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD."

Jeremiah 17:7 tells us, "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him."

Prosperity = success, pleasant, agreeable, good, welfare, bountiful, prosperity

Blessed= happy, happiness

Trusting God most definitely is a choice, it is a decision. We must deny ourselves, humble ourselves and submit to God.

This is not Law or rules that attempt to put us in bondage This is wisdom, instructions from God on how to live life and life more abundantly that He came to give us. By placing our trust truly and firmly in God and remaining faithful to Him (His Word) regardless of the waves around us, we will find our lives are full of benefits beyond what we can imagine. The goodness of God will be evident to all and best of all, we will be living the life of faith in God that brings Him great pleasure.

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