Friday, July 31, 2020

I have a Guarantee!!!!

This week I have been thinking about the fact that I have a Guarantee. Isn't it wonderful that I have a Guarantee! I have a Guarantee from God Himself, that what He says is True and He will Do it!

Guarantee definition:  an assurance for the fulfillment of a condition: such as an agreement by which one person undertakes to secure another and the possession or enjoyment of something.

I have promises, the written Word of God, that guarantees me, gives me the assurance, that He will perform (fulfill) what He has promised!!! I have God's Guarantee that He will fulfill His Word to me.

Our responsibility is to believe that God is good for His Word. We are called "Believers" for that very reason. We must "Live by Faith". Trusting that God will fulfill His Word to us. Excited and Hopeful (confidence with anticipation) that what God promises is coming to pass. We have a Guarantee - God's Word backed by all of who God is!!!

Do Not lean on or make your decisions to believe anything other than what is based on who God is (Faithful and True) and what He says (His Written Word). 

We must know the character of God. We must be absolutely convinced that He is not a man that He could lie. That it is actually Impossible for Him to lie. We must know with certainty that All of His Words are Yes and Amen (So Be It)! We must realize that God is serious and committed to fulfilling  His Word.

Psalm 138:2 
I bow before your holy Temple as I worship. I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness; for your promises are backed by all the honor of your name. 

We must lay aside all of our preformed ideas and experiences that do not agree with what God says. We must realize 3 major things:

 #1 - We live in a fallen world. 1 John 5:19

#2 - The enemy's intentions are to steal, kill and destroy. John 10:10

#3 -  God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6

Never, Never, Never blame God for something that has been destructive in your life. Realize that God is the Giver of Life. He Is Good, Always! When negative things happen in our lives, ask God to help us to understand and gain insight. But, never become angry at God or blame Him for what had been stolen or destroyed.

Now look at those 3 things from the other aspect.

#1 - Jesus rescued us from the Kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of His  dear Son. Colossians 1:13

#2 - Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. John 10:10

#3 - Now you must Grow in Grace and Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
1 Peter 3:18.

Study to show yourselves approved of God. 
2 Timothy 2:15; Joshua 1:8.

If you are a doer of the Word of God, then you are proving that you are truly His disciples. You show that you really do know the Truth. It is that Truth that you know that sets you free!!! John 8:31-32 Paraphrased

Now, being convinced of God's Word, not tempted by the fallen world that we have been set free from or lured away by the tactics of the enemy nor by the lack of he knowledge of God's Word, we have become convinced of God's promises. We know we have the Guarantee from God that He will stand behind His Word and fulfill His Promises to us!

It was the way David lived. Abraham lived that way. It was the way the apostles lived. Paul lived that way and he has taught us all to live by faith - the faith that believes that what God says is true and He will bring it to pass and teaches us to hold fast to that confidence so that in no way, by any method, can something cause us to release our hold on it. Stand fast in faith, knowing that He who promised is faithful to fulfill that which He has promised!!!! Roman's 4:21; Hebrews 10:23.

Read Psalm Chapter 34. How many instructions do you find? How many Guarantees from God do you find?

 Be a doer of God's Word and watch and see God fulfill his promises (Guarantees) to you as you walk in faith, trusting what He says is true!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I see in Scripture we must hold to the truth. Why would God say that...apparently there is a risk that we might let go, and not receive what He intends. Thank you for this message.
