Saturday, July 11, 2020

Isn't it Wonderful!

It is so easy to look at the things that are wrong. It doesn't seem to take any effort at all to find ourselves dwelling on the things that frustrate us, irritate us, annoy us, even make us angry. Things that causes fear, anxiety and worry seem to be front-and-center without any effort on our own. Of course, oh, the devil must be extremely happy about that.

We are the ones that must fight the fight of faith. That means we are the ones who must choose to look at and choose to believe  things from God's point of view. We must take our thoughts captive and make them come into agreement with what God has to say. Do not allow ourselves to be strung along by all the media, by all the circumstances, by all the emotions and frustrations.

We must take charge of our lives if we are to rise above the problems that we face. We must take action if we are to walk in the Victory God has provided and have good success.

This morning, in an effort to do that very thing, I began to think, "Isn't it wonderful. ...Isn't it wonderful .... my God is my Help!"  Really, the Almighty God, He Himself, is My Help! He is my Refuge - the One that I can run to and I am safe. He is the one that supplies me with all the things that I need and I lack no good thing. I even have an abundance of all things. He is the One that I can run to and I'm saved! He is the One that I can call out to and He hears me and he delivers me from every one of ALL of my troubles! He is my Healer, He is my Counselor, my Guide, my Strength when I am weak, the lifter of my head when I am down, my Hope, My Comforter, my Deliverer...I could go on and on... What a God we serve! Isn't that Wonderful? Isn't He Wonderful!

Amazing, isn't it just Amazing, what an Awesome God we serve. He is the ONE that has good plans for me. His Plans are to prosper me and give me a future and a hope and Not to harm me! If God is for me who can be against me? He is the One who goes before me and prepares the way for me, He goes with me and He is behind me as my rear guard. He fights for Me!!! He never leaves me without help. He never leaves me without hope! He Never leaves me!!! Isn't it Wonderful! What a Great God we serve!

 I encourage you, as I am encouraging myself, to take the time, the effort, the conscious, willful decision to turn your thoughts toward Him. Turn your words in agreement with what He has to say. We have the overwhelming Victory through Christ! But, we have to put to work what it takes to walk in that Victory or we are missing out on something quite marvelous!

Fight the Fight of Faith! Take your thoughts captive and MAKE them agree with God. Use your Sword of the Spirit. Speak Words of Life.  I will SAY of the Lord, "You are my Refuge, You are my Healer, my Deliverer, my Hightower that I run to and I'm safe! You are my Help in time of need. You are my Strength when I am weak. You never leave me without help and I'm never without hope, for You, my God are with me. He NEVER leaves me!" How's That for Wonderful! God Himself is with me and He never leaves me!!!! If you are not encouraged by now....well, at least I am!!!! Isn't God Wonderful! ALL those words are  what God has to say!!!

 I have decided that if I am not in agreement with God's Word and I am thinking and speaking words of discouragement, frustration, anger and fear, that I am actually thinking and speaking lies. I'm actually lying. Well, that seems radical, I know, but think about this ... if God's Word is True ... God Word IS Truth and He cannot lie, actually, it is Impossible for Him to lie and the devil is the one who is the liar and I am not in agreement with what God has to say then who am I in agreement with? Doesn't that just make the devil happy????

Isn't it Wonderful that God IS who He says He is and He Does what He says He will do. Our part is to agree with Him. Believe what He says is true (if you believe it, that is what you will speak- think about that....we talk all the time. We believe what we say and we  say what we believe. What you say proves what you believe). Yes, believe what God says is true. Shut the devils lies and deceptions up with Words of Truth. When the devil comes saying, "Did God say,....?" Stay with the truth, saying what God says and do not be moved from that firm foundation by anything contradictory. "God says...." and report what the truth says! Receive God's promises by faith. It Has to be so, because God cannot lie. Then Rejoice and again I say, Rejoice!

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