Friday, March 27, 2020

Miss Daisy

One of our favorite things to do, in the spring, is to go to Minneapolis-Saint Paul and tour as many Parade of Homes open  houses as possible from Thursday afternoon to Sunday night.

Several years ago we had just gotten a GPS that plugs into the cigarette lighter in the car. You tell it where you want to go and it tells you how to get there. We called her, "Miss Daisy".

We had gotten used to Miss Daisy over the first two days of our trip. I had entered the address of the next house we wanted to see and leaned back in my seat. I had peace in me like I had never ever had before - total calmness. Up to this point in my life, I had never experienced peace within me. I grew up in turmoil and even though outwardly, life wasn't tumultuous any longer, I still had that turmoil going on inside of me. Peace was foreign to my soul.

Over the previous months, Joyce Meyer had been teaching about peace. I longed for the peace she was talking about, but I had never experienced it and didn't understand how to get it. I had asked God to help me KNOW that Peace.

Duane was driving, Miss Daisy said something like "In 100 feet turn right". Duane suddenly said, "That can't be right! That Just.    CAN'T.    be right!!!

I responded, "Miss Daisy hasn't gotten us lost yet, just trust Miss Daisy."

So, while I continued to enjoy the amazing peace I was experiencing, Duane followed Miss Daisy's instructions and we arrived at our destination.

We toured the house. As I walked back out to our car to leave, I told my husband, as it was just dawning on me, "I just trusted a machine more than I have ever trusted God in my life." As I got into the car, I made a committment that from now on, I was going trust God at LEAST as much as I had just trusted a machine!

I realized then that there was a connection between the peace I was experiencing and trust. I wanted to live in that state of peace and I recognized it was found in Trust. It appalled me that I had just trusted a machine more than I had ever trusted God.

This morning I was thinking about that experience and what is going on now in our world relating to the coronavirus. It saddened me greatly when I compared my "Peace and Trust" experience to how people are reacting to the news these days. They are so profoundly trusting what a virus could do to them. They take it very seriously, following the instruction of our leaders carefully. (I am not saying we shouldn't take it seriously). When I went to the grocery store, I didn't even need to practice Social Distancing because no one would let me get even close to them that I needed to be concerned about it!!!!

I thought, what a world it would be if people trusted in God AT LEAST as much as they believe in the power of a virus.

I encourage you to make a commitment to that end today. Trust in God at LEAST as much as you believe in what a virus can do and experience the Peace that passes all understanding.

God is our Protector, Our Deliverer, Our Healer, Our Shield about us. Let us respond to Him with greater confidence than what we place in a virus. Let us take what is told us in Psalm 91 seriously and respond accordingly! God is far Greater than a virus!

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